Explore our comprehensive range of developmental disability care services designed to empower individuals, foster independence, and enhance quality of life. At Quinton Residential Living, Inc., we're dedicated to providing compassionate support tailored to meet unique needs and aspirations.

child learning and playing with educational toys

Residential Habilitation and Support Services

Our residential programs offer a nurturing environment, promoting independence and personal growth for individuals with developmental disabilities.

Group of friends taking a stroll on city

Day Habilitation

Engaging activities and skill-building programs empower individuals to thrive and develop essential life skills in a supportive environment.

girl practicing body language

Participant Assistance and Care Services

Tailored to individual needs, our compassionate assistance services provide support with daily tasks, personal care, and medication management.

girl smiling with a woman

Respite Care Services

Our respite care offers temporary relief to caregivers, ensuring their loved ones receive quality care and support in a nurturing environment.

child on wheelchair smiling

Transportation Services

Our transportation services provide safe and convenient travel options, enabling individuals to participate in community activities and appointments.

boy in wheelchair watching video on smartphone

Behavioral Support Services

Our experienced team provides personalized behavioral support plans, empowering individuals to manage challenging behaviors.